Précsényi I: Relationship among the dry matter production of natural plant communities and weather elements

Summary: This paper is dealing with the relationship existing between the dry matter production of two plant communities (i. e. Artemisietum and Peucedanetum) and the variations of some meteorological elements (monthly mean temperature, monthly precipitation amount, relative humidity, monthly sums of global radiation).

The productivity of Artemisietum is exhibiting a strong positive correlation to the variations of monthly mean temperature and to the monthly sum of global radiation. According to the results of path analysis, the variations of productivity are primarily influenced by the variations of monthly mean temperature.

The productivity of Peucedanetum is exhibiting a strong positive correlation to the monthly sum of global radiation. From the path coefficients among the variations of the meteorological elements investigated, that for the variation of the monthly precipitation amount is negative, the remaining ones are positive ones having values being one close to the other.


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