Béll B: Die Bedeutung des advektiven Wärmetransportes in der Energiebilanz des Luftraumes der Karpatenbeckens

Herrn Prof. Dr. Anthal Réthly zu seinem 90. Geburtstag gewidmet

Summary: On the basis of aerologieal data series, mainly of those obtained from radiosonde measurements carried out in Budapest during the period of 1961–1965 the author investigated the average advective heat balance of the troposphere. Upper wind measurements carried out by stations in NW Germany, in Budapest and in Tateno (Japan) clearly show the thermic effect öf the two oceans and of the Eurasian continent situated between them. From statistical investigations on the temperature advection over Budapest it has been shown that within the investigated period the free troposphere was in every season (with the exception of the summer) and also in the average of the whole year warmed, while in summer cooled by the circulation. In the cooling effect of the circulation in summer one may recognize the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, and in winter in the advective heat income again the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and of the Mediterranean can be seen. The comparatively small absolute values of the advective heat balance, and even of their sign, depend strongly on the frequency-ratio of the positive and negative components, and, through it on the frequency of the wind direction of the investigated period.


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